Installing PostgreSQL using Ansible

To install PostgreSQL using Ansible, we need to create a playbook that automates the installation process. The playbook will target a group of machines (or a single machine) and install PostgreSQL on them.

Below are the detailed steps to install PostgreSQL using Ansible:

1. Prerequisites

Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Ansible installed on your control node (the machine from which you will run the playbook). Please refer
  • SSH access to the target machines (hosts) where PostgreSQL will be installed.
  • The target machines should be running a compatible Linux distribution (e.g., Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian).
  • A configured inventory file in Ansible that lists the target machines.

2. Creating the Ansible Playbook

  1. Create a new playbook file called install_postgresql.yml (or another name of your choice).
  2. Define the tasks for installing PostgreSQL.

Here’s an example playbook that installs PostgreSQL on an Ubuntu machine:

- name: Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu
  hosts: all
  become: yes  # Run with sudo privileges
    - name: Update apt cache
        update_cache: yes
        cache_valid_time: 3600  # Cache validity in seconds

    - name: Install PostgreSQL
        name: postgresql
        state: present

    - name: Ensure PostgreSQL service is started
        name: postgresql
        state: started
        enabled: yes

Explanation of the Playbook:

  • hosts: all: The playbook will run on all the hosts defined in the inventory file.
  • become: yes: It ensures the tasks are executed with root privileges (using sudo).
  • apt: The module for managing packages on Debian-based systems (like Ubuntu). It updates the cache and installs PostgreSQL.
  • service: Ensures that the PostgreSQL service is started and enabled to start on boot.

3. Inventory File

You need an inventory file to tell Ansible which hosts to target. Create a file called inventory.ini (or any name you prefer).

Example inventory.ini:

[postgresql_servers] ansible_user=your_ssh_user ansible_user=your_ssh_user

This inventory lists two servers ( and under the postgresql_servers group. Replace your_ssh_user with the actual SSH username.

4. Run the Playbook

To execute the playbook, run the following command from your control node:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini install_postgresql.yml

5. For CentOS / RHEL / Amazon Linux

For CentOS-based distributions (like CentOS, RHEL, or Amazon Linux), the playbook would be slightly different, as it would use the yum or dnf package manager instead of apt. Here is an example for CentOS:

- name: Install PostgreSQL on Redhat
  hosts: all
  become: yes
    - name: Install PostgreSQL repo key
        state: present
        disable_gpg_check: true

    - name: Install PostgreSQL repo
        state: present

    - name: Install PostgreSQL
        name: postgresql17-server
        state: present

    - name: Initialize PostgreSQL database
      command: /usr/pgsql-17/bin/postgresql-17-setup initdb
        creates: /var/lib/pgsql/17/data/PG_VERSION

    - name: Ensure PostgreSQL service is started
        name: postgresql-17
        state: started
        enabled: yes

In this playbook:

  • We install the PostgreSQL repository first (pgdg-redhat-repo-latest).
  • The PostgreSQL 17 server is installed via yum.
  • The database is initialized using the postgresql-17-setup command.
  • Finally, we start and enable the PostgreSQL service.

6. Verify Installation

After running the playbook successfully, you can check if PostgreSQL is installed and running:

  • SSH into the target machine.
  • Run the command:
psql --version

This will output the installed PostgreSQL version, confirming that the installation was successful.

7. Additional Configuration (Optional)

After installation, you may need to configure PostgreSQL to:

  • Set up a specific database or user.
  • Configure remote access (allow connections from other machines).
  • Set password authentication and other security settings.

You can create additional tasks in your Ansible playbook to configure PostgreSQL as required, for example:

    - name: Set password for PostgreSQL user 'postgres'
        name: postgres
        password: "your_password"
        state: present

This task uses the postgresql_user Ansible module to set a password for the postgres user.


By using Ansible, you can automate the installation and configuration of PostgreSQL across multiple servers, making it more efficient and repeatable. The playbook provided can be customized for different Linux distributions, PostgreSQL versions, and configurations, depending on your specific needs.

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